The Setup file is a simple JSON or JSON5 file that describes the configuration of the scene and optionally the different states of the scene. It is required to use the rooomAssistant service.
JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is a lightweight data interchange format commonly used for exchanging data between web services and applications. It is easy to read and write for humans and easy to parse and generate for machines. Another option is to use the JSON5 format, is an extension to the popular JSON file format that aims to be easier to write and maintain by hand. The Documentation uses JSON5 as the default format.
Each JSON file starts with a config section that defines various settings for the scene, such as whether to use a text-to-speech engine (e.g. Google, Web API), the URL of the 3D mesh file, camera and light setup, and the position and attachment style of the speech bubbles and GUI elements.
Following the config section, the file contains multiple state sections that describe the different states of the scene. Each state includes information about the speech bubble, which has subsections for text and buttons, as well as any actions that should be triggered when the state is entered.
The text section of the speech bubble can be multilanguage, allowing for localization of the experience, and each button consists of a title and an action that is triggered when clicked.
Basic structure of a JSON file:
{ /* config section */
_config: {
tts: { /* text-to-speech settings */ },
scene: { /* 3d scene setup */
camera: { /* camera setup */ },
light: { /* light setup */ },
avatar: { /* avatar setup */ },
speechBubble: { /* speech bubble setup */ },
states: { /* general states setup */ },
/* state section */
state1: {
speechBubble: { /* speechbubble block */
text: { /* text block */ },
buttons: [ /* buttons block */ ],
actions: [ /* actions */ ],
/* another state section */
state2: { /* state block */ },
In the _config
block, you can define various settings for the scene. Note that its written with an underscore at the beginning of the block name.
text-to-speech settingsprovider:
text-to-speech engine (
API key (only required for Google) (e.g.AIzaSyD...
language (e.g.en-US
gender (e.g.male
voice name (e.g.en-US-Wavenet-A
volume (e.g.1.0
rate (e.g.1.0
pitch (e.g.1.0
3d scene settingsdebug:
enable debug mode (babylon inspector) (e.g.true
camera settingstarget:
target of the camera as a vector ( e.g.[0, 0, 0]
rotation of the camera around they
axis (e.g.1.57
rotation of the camera around thex
axis (e.g.3.14
distance of the camera from the target (e.g.3.0
field of view of the camera in radians
light settingsdiffuse:
diffuse color of the light as a color vector or hex string (e.g.[255, 0 , 255]
intensity of the light (e.g.1.0
enable/disable the light (e.g.true
For now only one avatar/mesh is supported. In the future, multiple avatars or meshes will be supported.
avatar settingsmesh:
url of the avatar mesh filetransform:
transform of the mesh relative to the scene originposition:
position of the avatar as a vector (e.g.[0, 0, 0]
rotation of the avatar as a vector (e.g.[0, 0, 0]
scale of the avatar as a vector e.g. (e.g.[1, 1, 1]
Speech Bubble
The Speech Bubble is the main element of the rooomAssistant service. It is used to display text and buttons to the user. The speech bubble can be attached to the avatar or to any other object in the scene. You have to specify the parent of the speech bubble and the offset of the speech bubble relative to the parent.
speech bubble settingsparent:
parent of the speech bubble as node name (e.g.Hips
offset of the speech bubble relative to the parent as a vector (e.g.[0, 0, 0]
colors of the speech bubble as a rgb or hex string (e.g.[255, 0 , 255]
This sections defines the general settings for all states. At the moment, only the start
state is supported, where you can define the initial state of the scene.
_config: {
tts: {
provider: 'google', // use google as text-to-speech engine
apiKey: 'YourGoogleApiKey', // your google API key
languageCode: 'en-GB', // language code
gender: 'male', // gender of the voice
voice: 'en-GB-Wavenet-B', // voice name
scene: {
debug: false, // disable debug mode, i.e. babylon inspector
camera: {
target: [-0.4, 1, 0], // target of the camera, a little bit to the left of the avatar
alpha: 1.571, // rotation of the camera around the y axis in radians 90°
beta: 1.571, // rotation of the camera around the x axis in radians 90°
radius: 2, // distance of the camera from the target
avatar: {
mesh: '', // url of the avatar mesh file
transform: {
position: [0, 0, 0], // position of the avatar
rotation: [0, 0, 0], // rotation of the avatar
scaling: [1.2, 1.2, 1.2], // scale of the avatar
speechBubble: {
parent: 'Hips', // parent of the speech bubble, i.e. the hips of the avatar
offset: [-0.7, 0.8, 0], // offset of the speech bubble relative to the parent
colors: {
buttonColor: '#111', // color of the button text
buttonBackground: '#ffe600', // color of the button background
lang: 'en', // default language of the speech bubble
states: {
startState: 'start', // initial state of the scene
After the config section, the file contains multiple state sections that describe the different states of the scene.
Each state includes information about the speechBubble
, which has subsections for text
and buttons
And actions
that should be triggered when the state is entered.
Speech Bubble
speech bubble sectiontext:
text as a string or multilanguage object (e.g."Hello World"
,{ "en": "Hello World", "de": "Hallo Welt" }
an array of buttons (in JSON an array is defined by square brackets[...]
title of the button as a string or multilanguage object (e.g."Click me"
,{ "en": "Click me", "de": "Klick mich" }
an array of actions that is triggered when the button is clicked, each action has the following properties:name:
name of the action (
arguments of the action (e.g.idle
Another block that can be defined in a state is the actions
block. It contains an array of actions that are triggered when the state is entered. It has the same structure as the buttons
block in the speechBubble
an array of actions that is triggered when the state is entered, each action has the following properties:name:
name of the action (
arguments of the action (e.g.idle
The actions
gives you the possibility to modify the scene when the state is entered or a button is clicked. For example, you can play an animation, change the color/texture of an object. You can hide or show objects, change camera position and modify the text and buttons of the speech bubble.
You can find a list of all available actions in the API section.
stateOne: { // name of the state
speechBubble: {
text: {
en: 'Hello World', // text in english
de: 'Hallo Welt', // text in german
// ... more languages if needed
buttons: [ // array of buttons
text: { en: 'Open Help', de: 'Hilfe öffnen' }, // text of the button in english and german
actions: [ // actions that are triggered when the button is clicked
{ name: 'utils.postMessage', arg: 'help' } // send a message to the parent window
text: { en: 'Close', de: 'Schließen' }, // text of the button in english and german
actions: [{ name: 'states.set', arg: 'stateTwo' }], // jump to stateTwo when the button is clicked
actions: [
{ name: '', arg: 'Welcome' }, // play the welcome animation when the state is entered
{ name: '', args: ['Idle', 3000] } // after 3 seconds play the idle animation
stateTwo: { // name of the state: stateTwo
speechBubble: { // speech bubble section
text: {
en: 'You made it. Well done!', // text in english
de: 'Du hast es geschafft. Gut gemacht!', // text in german
buttons: [ // array of buttons
text: { en: 'Lets dance', de: 'Lass uns tanzen' } // text of the button in english and german
actions: [{ name: '', arg: 'Dance' }], // play the dance animation when the button is clicked
text: { en: 'Thats enough', de: 'Das reicht' }, // text of the button in english and german
actions: [{ name: '', arg: 'Idle' }], // play the idle animation when the button is clicked
text: { en: 'Back to start', de: 'Zurück zum Anfang' }, // text of the button in english and german
background: '#111', // background color of the button
color: '#fff', // text color of the button
actions: [{ name: 'states.set', arg: '_back' }], // jump back to the start state
actions: [
{ name: '', arg: 'Cheer' }, // play the cheer animation when the state is entered
{ name: '', args: ['Idle', 5000] } // after 5 seconds play the idle animation