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Adding URL parameters (so called url options) allows you to control different aspects of the space viewer: UI elements, environment, camera behavior, ...

There are three places you can put the url options:

  1. In the url

  2. In the src attribute of embedded iframes

<iframe src=""></iframe>
  1. During initialization of the Viewer API



autostartbooleanfalseSetting to true will make the model load immediately once the page is ready, rather than waiting for a user to click the Play button.
preloadbooleantrueSetting to true will force all resources (textures) to download before the scene is displayed.
render_backgroundbooleanfalseSetting to true will force to render the scene in background (Has impact on the performance).
langstring''Setting the language for UI elements & text and ignore the browser language (german = de / english = en / italian = it / ...)
fallback_langstring'de'Setting the language for UI elements and text, when the browser locale are not supported (german = de / english = en / italian = it / ...)
start_birdseyenumber1Setting to 0 = disable birdseye, 1 = default settings from viewer, 2 = force birdseye
start_thirdpersonbooleanfalseSetting to false force first person camera mode
qualitystringSDSetting to UHD, HD or LD will set the default quality the viewer loads unless manually set with quality picker
inactivity_timeoutbooleantrueSetting to true will end the user session after 2 hours of inactivity


avatars_visiblebooleantrueSetting to false will hide all avatars in the scene
avatars_colorsstring''Setting a comma separated list with hexcolors to define the colorpalette for avatar configurator
avatars_show_confignumber0Setting to 0 will always hide the avatar config modal. Setting to 1 will show the modal the first time per browser session (using a cookie). Setting to 2 will always show the modal.
avatars_edit_buttonbooleantrueSetting to false will hide avatar bubble. (Applies only to RPM avatars)
avatars_show_labelsstring'nearby'Setting to 'show', 'hide', 'nearby' or 'hover' will change the avatar labels behavior in the scene
avatars_labels_backgroundstring'999999CC'Label background color as hex string 6+2 letters for color and alpha
avatars_labels_colorstring'FFFFFF'Label text color as hex string
avatars_labels_thicknessnumber1Label border thickness
avatars_labels_cornerRadiusnumber16Label border radius
avatars_labels_fontFamilystringSource Sans Pro, Open Sans, Segoe UI, sans-serifLabel text font familiy
avatars_labels_fontSizenumber16Label font size in px
avatars_labels_offsetnumber0Label offset above avatar in screenspace px
avatars_labels_offsetWorldnumber0Label offset above avatar in worldunits
avatars_labels_prependstring''Optional text to prepend before avatars name
avatars_codestring''Specify the code for the avatar, with information to colors, materials and accessories
avatars_namestring''Specify the avatars name
avatars_max_visiblenumber5000Upper limit of visible avatars per scene
mobile_avatars_max_visiblenumber5000Upper limit of visible avatars per scene on mobile
avatars_meshes_max_visiblenumber50Upper limit of visible avatar meshes per scene. All other meshes will be shown as abstract meshes.
mobile_avatars_meshes_max_visiblenumber30Upper limit of visible avatar meshes per scene on mobile. All other meshes will be shown as abstract meshes.
avatars_base_meshes_max_visiblenumber200Upper limit of visible avatar base meshes (shadow/abstract mesh) per scene.
mobile_avatars_base_meshes_max_visiblenumber50Upper limit of visible avatar base meshes (shadow/abstract mesh) per scene on mobile devices.
avatars_labels_max_visiblenumber50Upper limit of visible avatar labels.
mobile_avatars_labels_max_visiblenumber25Upper limit of visible avatar labels on mobile devices.
avatars_external_idstring''Specify an external id, will be used to identify avatars
avatars_gestures_liststring''Setting any value will show avatars gestures only from this list
avatars_voicechatstring0'1'=voice chat enabled, '0'=voice chat disabled, 'moderator'=only moderators (hosts) can talk
avatars_voicechat_maxdistancenumber30You can use it to handle the volume level on different distance
avatars_voicechat_modestringtoggleSetting to 'ptt' enables Push-to-talk mode. Toggle mode enabled by default
mobile_avatars_enabledbooleantrueSetting to 0 will hide all avatars in the scene, only for mobile devices


camera_tourbooleantrueSetting to false will force to disable the existing camera-tour.
autowalk_tourbooleantrueSetting to false will force to disable an existing auto camera-tour.
autowalk_autoplaybooleanfalseSetting to false will prevent autoplaying autowalk.
autowalk_constant_speednumber0Setting to a number higher than 0 will normalize camera speed between steps, ignoring existing duration values. value is in units/s
autowalk_close_pathbooleanfalseSetting to true makes sure that end point is at the same location as the starting point, forming a closed path. required for looping animations
camera_walknumbertrueSetting to 0 will disable the use of the walk keys and right click to move.
camera_modestring'default'Specify the inverse input system for camera ('default' / 'inverse' / 'keywalk').
camera_positionstring''Specify the start camera position (alpha, beta for birdseye or x,y,z for walk)
camera_targetstring''Specify the start camera target x, y ,z
camera_position_offsetnumber0.5Specify a random offset for camera position
camera_rotationstring''ONLY WALK Specify the start camera rotation for walk camera
camera_zoom_autobooleantrueONLY BIRDSEYE Setting to false will skip the automatic scaling from upperRadiusLimit (camera_zoom_max) and lowerRadiusLimit (camera_zoom_min) - Distance.
camera_zoom_minnumber0.3ONLY BIRDSEYE Setting to a positive number will define the camera zoom in limit (minimum distance from the model).
camera_zoom_maxnumber200ONLY BIRDSEYE Setting to a positive number will define the camera zoom out limit (maximum distance from the model).
camera_zoom_startnumber0ONLY BIRDSEYE Set the start zoom distance. (0 = optimal radius)
camera_clipping_autobooleantrueSetting to false will skip the automatic scaling from camera minZ und maxZ.
camera_clipping_minnumber0.3Setting to a positive number will define the camera min clipping limit (near clipping plane).
camera_clipping_maxnumber200Setting to a positive number will define the camera max clipping limit (far clipping plane).
camera_capsule_radiusnumber0.4Specify the camera collision radius
camera_speednumber1Specify the walk camera speed
camera_teleportbooleantrueEnables teleport movement with right click
camera_fovnumber45Sets the field of view for active camera in degrees
camera_constraint_pitch_downnumber0Setting alpha to [-90 – 90] (in degrees) will define the camera's pitch down rotation limit. Help
camera_constraint_pitch_upnumber0Setting alpha to [-90 – 90] (in degrees) will define the camera's pitch up rotation limit. Help
camera_constraint_yaw_leftnumber0Setting beta to [-180 – 180] (in degrees) will define the camera's yaw left rotation limit. Help
camera_constraint_yaw_rightnumber0Setting beta to [-180 – 180] (in degrees) will define the camera's yaw right rotation limit. Help


max_texture_sizenumber4096Setting to a positive number will limit all textures to that maximum resolution (longest side in pixels). This should be a "power of 2" value such as 32, 128, 256, 512, etc.
mobile_max_texture_sizenumber512Setting to a positive number will set the default texture size on mobile devices (longest side in pixels). This should be a "power of 2" value such as 32, 128, 256, 512, etc.
highlight_colorstring''Setting the default highlight color as hexcode.

Performance Optimizations

perf_object_instancingbooleantrueSpecifies whether object instancing should be used or not
perf_texture_optimizedbooleantrueSetting to true will load the optimized textures (ktx2) - if file is available and the format is supported on client-browser.


mirror_floornumber1Setting to 2 will force enable the mirror effect on the floor, 1 is default per quality mode and 0 will force disable the effects.
fx_dof_enabledbooleanfalseSetting to true enables depth of field using below values.
fx_dof_focus_distancenumber4000Specifies the focus distance for the depth of field effect.
fx_dof_focal_lengthnumber200Specifies the focal length for the depth of field effect.
fx_dof_f_stopnumber1Specifies the f stop for the depth of field effect.
fx_glowlayer_enabledbooleanfalseSetting to true enables glow-layer using below values.
fx_glowlayer_kernelsizenumber10Specifies the glow-layer kernel size for the glow-layer effect.
fx_glowlayer_intensitynumber1Specifies the glow-layer intensity for the glow-layer effect.
env_snowbooleanfalseEnable or disable snow (particle system) in the scene.
env_fogbooleanfalseEnable or disable fog in the scene.
env_fog_minnumber30Specifies the minimum distance for fog.
env_fog_maxnumber500Specifies the maximum distance for fog.


ui_color_primarystring''Setting to a hexadecimal color code (without the #) for primary colors.
ui_color_secondarystring''Setting to a hexadecimal color code (without the #) for secondary colors.
ui_color_accentstring''Setting to a hexadecimal color code (without the #) for accent colors.
ui_text_primarystring''Setting to a hexadecimal color code (without the #) for primary text.
ui_text_secondarystring''Setting to a hexadecimal color code (without the #) for secondary text.
ui_infosbooleantrueSetting to false will hide the space info bar at the top of the viewer.
ui_infos_persistbooleanfalseSetting to true will show the model info bar at the top of the viewer in 3d mode too.
ui_header_btn_linkstring''Setting a link add a button in the top right corner, as a custom button.
ui_header_btn_imagestring''Setting a link to an image add for the button in the top right corner a icon.
ui_progress_minimalbooleanfalseSetting to true show only the progressbar in loading screen.
ui_progress_logostring''Setting to a url will change the image of the viewer loading screen.
ui_progress_bgbooleantrueSetting to false remove the background on loading screen.
ui_logobooleantrueSetting to false remove the rooom logo.
ui_logo_linkbooleantrueSetting to false remove the link from the rooom logo.
ui_helpbooleantrueSetting to false will hide the Help button.
ui_hintnumber1Setting to 0 will always hide the viewer hint overlay. Setting to 1 will show the hint the first time per browser session (using a cookie). Setting to 2 will always show the hint.
ui_fullscreenbooleantrueSetting to false will hide the Fullscreen button.
ui_general_controlsbooleantrueSetting to false will hide main control buttons in the bottom right of the viewer (Help, Fullscreen).
ui_controlsbooleantrueSetting to false will hide all the viewer controls at the bottom of the viewer (Help, Fullscreen and Annotations).
ui_stopbooleanfalseSetting to true will hide the "Disable Viewer" button in the top right so that users cannot stop the 3D render once it is started.
ui_perspectivebooleantrueSetting to true will hide the "Change Perspective" button so the user can only switch between birdseye and walking.
ui_qualitybooleantrueSetting to false will hide the quality button for SD, HD, ...
ui_vrbooleantrueSetting to false will hide the "Toggle VR" button.
ui_cardboardbooleantrueSetting to false will hide the cardboard camera.
ui_first_personbooleantrueSetting to true will enable first person camera mode.
ui_third_personbooleantrueSetting to true will enable the third person and alternative third person camera modes.
ui_anaglyphbooleanfalseSetting to true enables anaglyph camera mode in UI
ui_minimapbooleanfalseSetting to true will show the Mini Map.
ui_minimap_pin_colorstring'ffffff'Setting a color to change the color from pin-point (Cone).
ui_minimap_pin_offsetstring'0,0'Setting offset for pin position on minimap.
ui_minimap_offsetstring'60,6'Setting offset for minimap position.
ui_minimap_pin_areascalenumber1Setting the areascale for pin movements on custom minimap.
ui_minimap_pin_rotationnumber0Setting rotation for pin on minimap (degree).
ui_measurementbooleanfalseSetting to true will enable the measurement feature.
ui_back_to_startbooleanfalseSetting to true will show a button in the right corner to jump back on the start position.
ui_statsbooleanfalseSetting to true will show the Performance Monitor (stats.js).
ui_sharebooleantrueSetting to true will show the share button.
ui_scroll_catchbooleanfalseSetting to true enable using arrow keys for navigation in embedded viewer.
ui_user_counterbooleantrueSetting to false hides the user counter.