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Adding URL parameters (so called url options) allows you to control different aspects of the model viewer: UI elements, environment, camera behavior, annotations and animations.

There are three places you can put the url options:

  1. In the url

  2. In the src attribute of embedded iframes

  1. During initialization of the Viewer API



autospinnumber0Setting to any other number will cause the model to automatically spin around the y-axis after loading.
autostartbooleanfalseSetting to true will make the model load immediately once the page is ready, rather than waiting for a user to click the Play button.
preloadbooleantrueSetting to true will force all resources (textures) to download before the scene is displayed.
fallback_langstring'de'Setting the language for UI elements and text, when the browser locale are not supported (german = de / english = en / italian = it / ...)
langstring''Setting the language for UI elements & text and ignore the browser language (german = de / english = en / italian = it / ...)
render_backgroundbooleanfalseSetting to true will force to render the scene in background (Has impact on the performance).
start_arbooleanfalseSetting to true will force the AR mode after start.


bg_colorstring'ffffff'Setting to a hexadecimal color code (without the #) will change the color of the background.
env_intensitynumber1.5Setting the intensity for the scene environment map.
mirrorbooleantrueSetting to false will disable the mirror under the model.
skyboxbooleantrueSetting to false will make the skybox invisible (transparent=true - skybox is forced set to false).
transparentbooleanfalseSetting to true will make the model's background and preview image transparent. This is useful for overlaying models on your website elements.
highlight_colorstring''Setting the default highlight color.


animationsbooleantrueSetting to false will disable all animations on object.
animation_playnumber-1Setting to a number greater than -1 will play the animation with index X after viewer start.
animation_loopbooleanfalseSetting to true will enable the loop-mode for "animation_play" animation.


annotationsbooleantrueSetting to false will disable all annotations on object.
annotations_typestring'point'Setting to 'line' will show the annotations as lines / flags.
annotations_showbooleanfalseSetting to true will show all annotations at the same time.
annotation_shownumber-1Setting to a number greater than 0 will show the annotation with index X after viewer start.
annotation_marker_colorstring'ffffff'Setting to a hexadecimal color code (without the #) will change the color of the annotation marker.
annotation_marker_sizenumber1Setting a different size (in centimeter) for annotation marker. Relative to mesh scaling.
annotations_auto_durationnumber2500Setting that defines the duration between each iteration from the annotation autopilot.
annotations_autoplaybooleanfalseSetting that starts the autopilot.


backfacebooleanfalseSetting to true will show always the mesh - front and back (double sided).
material_sheennumber0Setting the sheen intensity on material (0 = off / 0...1 = intensity).
max_texture_sizenumber8192Setting to a positive number will limit all textures to that maximum resolution (longest side in pixels). This should be a "power of 2" value such as 32, 128, 256, 512, etc.
mobile_max_texture_sizenumber2048Setting to a positive number will limit all textures to that maximum resolution on mobile devices (longest side in pixels). This should be a "power of 2" value such as 32, 128, 256, 512, etc.
shadow_planebooleantrueSetting to false will disable the shadow plane below the mesh.

Performance Optimizations

perf_texture_optimizedbooleanfalseSetting to true will load the optimized textures (ktx2) - if file is available and the format is supported on client-browser.

Augmented Reality

ar_scalebooleantrueSetting the scale mode for android and ios devices (fixed = false, auto = true)
ar_animatedbooleantrueSetting to false will disable the animations and export the glb as static model
ar_placementstring'floor'Setting to "wall" will enable the placement for walls
ar_occlusionbooleantrueSetting to 0 will disable occlusion

Virtual Reality

vr_scalenumber1Scale factor of the object in VR
vr_floor_heightnumber0Set the Y camera position from floor (in meters)
vr_camera_distancenumber1.8Set the Z Camera distance from object (in meters)


camera_collisionbooleantrueSetting to false will skip the collider, and you can go through the model.
camera_constraint_pitch_downnumber0Setting alpha to [-90 – 90] (in degrees) will define the camera's pitch down rotation limit. Help
camera_constraint_pitch_upnumber0Setting alpha to [-90 – 90] (in degrees) will define the camera's pitch up rotation limit. Help
camera_constraint_yaw_leftnumber0Setting beta to [-180 – 180] (in degrees) will define the camera's yaw left rotation limit. Help
camera_constraint_yaw_rightnumber0Setting beta to [-180 – 180] (in degrees) will define the camera's yaw right rotation limit. Help
camera_limitbooleantrueSet pitch and yaw rotation limit to default.
camera_fovnumber45Sets the field of view for active camera in degrees
camera_panning_axisstring'xyz'Setting to '' will prevent to pan the camera (panning axis defined).
camera_zoom_autobooleantrueSetting to false will skip the automatic scaling from upperRadiusLimit (camera_zoom_max) and lowerRadiusLimit (camera_zoom_min) - Distance.
camera_zoom_maxnumber20Setting to a positive number will define the camera zoom out limit (maximum distance from the model).
camera_zoom_minnumber0.003Setting to a positive number will define the camera zoom in limit (minimum distance from the model).
camera_zoom_startnumber0Set the start zoom distance. (0 = optimal radius)
camera_wheel_multipliernumber1Set the wheel speed
camera_clipping_autobooleantrueSetting to false will skip the automatic scaling from camera minZ und maxZ
camera_clipping_minnumber0.3Setting to a positive number will define the camera min clipping limit (near clipping plane) (calculated automatically by default)
camera_clipping_maxnumber100Setting to a positive number will define the camera max clipping limit (far clipping plane) (calculated automatically by default)
camera_targetstring''Specify the start camera target x, y, z.
camera_pivotstring'middle'Can be 'middle' or 'origin'. Middle means center of the bounding box and origin is the center of the bounding box with y=0. It gets overwritten by camera_target.


ui_animationsbooleantrueSetting to false will hide the animation menu, if animations are available.
ui_annotationsbooleantrueSetting to false will hide the Annotation menu.
ui_arbooleantrueSetting to false will hide the View in AR button.
ui_ar_linkstring''Setting the custom url for the AR screen with qr code.
ui_color_primarystring''Setting to a hexadecimal color code (without the #) for primary colors.
ui_color_secondarystring''Setting to a hexadecimal color code (without the #) for secondary colors.
ui_color_accentstring''Setting to a hexadecimal color code (without the #) for accent colors.
ui_text_primarystring''Setting to a hexadecimal color code (without the #) for primary text.
ui_text_secondarystring''Setting to a hexadecimal color code (without the #) for secondary text.
ui_controlsbooleantrueSetting to false will hide all the viewer controls at the bottom of the viewer (Help, AR, Fullscreen, Annotations and Animations).
ui_fullscreenbooleantrueSetting to false will hide the Fullscreen button.
ui_general_controlsbooleantrueSetting to false will hide main control buttons in the bottom right of the viewer (Help, AR, Fullscreen).
ui_header_btn_imagestring''Setting a link to an image add for the button in the top right corner a icon.
ui_header_btn_linkstring''Setting a link add a button in the top right corner, as a custom button.
ui_helpbooleantrueSetting to false will hide the Help button.
ui_hintnumber1Setting to 0 will always hide the viewer hint animation ("click & hold to rotate"). Setting to 1 will show the hint the first time per browser session (using a cookie). Setting to 2 will always show the hint.
ui_hint_colorstring''Setting a Hex-Color as String of 3 or 6 Chars will alter the text-color of the hint.
ui_hint_shadowbooleantrueSetting to false will not display a small shadow under the hint.
ui_infosbooleantrueSetting to false will hide the model info bar at the top of the viewer.
ui_infos_persistbooleanfalseSetting to true will show the model info bar at the top of the viewer in 3d mode too.
ui_logobooleantrueSetting to false remove the rooom logo.
ui_logo_linkbooleantrueSetting to false remove the link from the rooom logo.
ui_progress_bgbooleantrueSetting to false remove the background on loading screen.
ui_progress_bg_colorstring'414753e5'Setting to a hexadecimal color code (without the #, 8-digits with alpha) will change the background color of the viewer while loading.
ui_progress_logostring''Setting to a url will change the image of the viewer loading screen.
ui_progress_minimalbooleanfalseSetting to true show only the progressbar in loading screen.
ui_scroll_catchbooleanfalseSetting to to true enable scroll in embedded viewer without additional actions.
ui_sharebooleantrueSetting to true will show the share button.
ui_statsbooleanfalseSetting to true will show the Performance Monitor.
ui_stopbooleanfalseSetting to false will hide the "Disable Viewer" button in the top right so that users cannot stop the 3D render once it is started.
ui_vrbooleantrueSetting to false will hide the View in VR button.
ui_zoombooleanfalseSetting to true will show the zoom control buttons.